Acupuncture of Iowa is Eastern Iowa’s premier acupuncture clinic since 1992. Licensed acupuncturist Laura Christensen has been providing acupuncture and related Oriental Medical therapies, such as traditional acupuncture, Japanese acupuncture, the Balance Method of acupuncture, Master Tong’s style of acupuncture, Korean acupuncture, 5 Element acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, electroacupuncture, auricular acupuncture, laser acupuncture, acupressure, asian medical health coaching and lifestyle recommendations, asian medical dietary therapies, traditional Chinese herbal therapy, therapeutic activity recommendations, and more for over 30 years. She now specializes in Electro-Acupuncture Medicine (EAM), which is a sophisticated modern approach to acupuncture based on a blend of traditional medicine with the best of modern science. She has found this to be the most effective approach for our modern health challenges.
At Acupuncture of Iowa, Laura and her staff treat back pain, leg pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, headache, joint pain, arm pain, nerve pain, cancer pain, and any other acute or chronic pain.
Also help for many internal medicine problems such as digestive, respiratory, genitourinary, immune, and others. Women’s health problems are also commonly treated here, including infertility and preparing people for labor and delivery.
Laura’s long time special training in KMS acupuncture (Kiiko Matsumoto Style, a variety of Nan Jing acupuncture) puts her head and shoulders above other practitioners in our area. KMS acupuncture works rapidly and powerfully to thoroughly treat many internal medicine and pain problems.
It is based on the 60 years of experience of Dr. Nagano, the blind acupuncturist who taught Kiiko Matsumoto. Kiiko herself has been practicing and researching acupuncture for 40 years and has studied with some of the most famous acupuncturists in Modern Japan, including Yoshio Manaka.
At Acupuncture of Iowa, pain relief and pain management are just a couple of reasons people seek treatment. Many of our patients find acupuncture and herbal remedies helpful for allergies, hot flashes, anxiety and depression, insomnia, fatigue, skin conditions, digestive problems, infertility, turning breech babies, inducing labor, other reproductive issues, urinary issues, respiratory disease, and many other medical concerns.
We are also happy to help those with complex health issues including fibromyalgia, food allergies, autoimmune conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome, and multiple chemical sensitivity, among others.
Our training brings together the best of both worlds: knowledge of biomedical physiology, anatomy, pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, mental health, and other aspects of western medicine; as well as extensive graduate level training in Chinese Medicine theory, and traditional herbology.
We also have post-graduate training in specialty areas of acupuncture including those mentioned above, as well as, Chinese herbology, and dietary therapies from the Chinese medical tradition and the Western herbal tradition.
Meet Laura to talk about your care 319.341.0031
Our Clinic
Here at Acupuncture of Iowa we strive to always provide a comfortable space where clients feel safe and cared for. Our knowledgeable front desk staff will help with any questions and graciously handle the business aspects of your visit.
We have 8 consultation/treatment rooms which are private, warm, and comfortable. We pride ourselves on our wonderful, relaxing music.
People of all gender identities, faiths, values, lifestyles, and belief systems are welcome and supported equally.
The clinic is handicap-accessible; please let us know your special needs when you call for your appointment.
We welcome people of all faiths, beliefs, gender identities, cultures, and social strata.
Our Location
Our clinic located at 2412 Towncrest Dr in the Towncrest Center, south of Muscatine Ave, a half block south of the Kwik Star gas station, and facing the pediatric dental clinic the Church of the Nazarene, and Goodwill Industries on Wade Street. University of Iowa Orthopedics Research is directly across from us on Towncrest Drive.
There is plenty of free parking in front of our clinic, and on the west and south sides.
We are served by the Towncrest bus line. There is a stop just around the corner on Muscatine Ave, both coming out and going back to town. The bus runs at 10 after the hour and 40 after the hour during peak times.