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Peripheral Neuropathy

Did You Know Acupuncture can Improve Numbness and Pain in Your Feet and Hands?

Having numb and painful feet and hands is a problem that can be a tremendous hardship. It can affect every aspect of your life: make it hard to walk, shop, participate in family events, and even dress yourself. You may find yourself at risk of stumbling and falling and you feel uncertain on your feet. You might even be using a cane or walker because of this. The pain and numbness can be disturbing and disabling. You may not be able to feel the pedals of the car and lose the ability to drive or even end up in a wheelchair because you cannot feel your feet. You may find yourself staying home from activities you’d love to be a part of, and hesitating to even go out to shop or go to appointments on your own.

If your hands and fingers are numb you probably have trouble using tools, doing things in the kitchen, and simple tasks like buttoning and zipping can be troublesome. You find you are dropping things more often and it can be very worrying.

Based on recent reviews of the relevant medical science (1) (2), it has been shown that acupuncture has a higher rate of success than many other medical treatments for peripheral neuropathy, regardless of the cause. We treat you without the use of drugs that make you dizzy or forgetful. The improvement in your numbness and pain will happen quickly without any pain from the needles. Acupuncture helps no matter what the cause of your neuropathy. Acupuncture also results in you just feeling better overall as we work through the root causes of your neuropathy and help your entire system get better.

How Acupuncture Works to Resolve Peripheral Neuropathy

Acupuncture actually resolves peripheral neuropathy by healing the nerves that have been damaged in your legs, feet, arms, and hands. The gentle stimulation by the tiny acupuncture needles helps heal nerves and get them out of painful patterns. This effect has been known for decades and is just now reaching larger numbers of patients like you. Acupuncture also works by improving your underlying body functions like blood sugar management and your ability to deal with toxins in your body. It’s a truly whole-person approach instead of just covering up your problem with drugs that never actually change any underlying issues.

There are many ways to address peripheral neuropathy, but acupuncture is the most effective, most efficient, and most healing solution for a true improvement.

Peripheral Neuropathy Recovery

These 6 Elements are involved in Getting You Better!

Acupuncture of Iowa Peripheral Neuropathy Recovery diagram


1) Effect of Acupuncture on Diabetic Neuropathy: A Narrative Review, E Cho and W Kim, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021

2) Acupuncture improves chemotherapy induced neuropathy, explored by neurophysiological and clinical outcomes — The randomized, controlled, cross-over ACUCIN trial, Freidmann et al, Phytomedicine, vol 104, Sept 22