Acupuncture Meridians Pathways of Chi Energy

Acupuncture meridians are called many names. These names includes Chinese meridians, energy meridians, and Chi meridians, just to name a few. These meridians carry the energy that vitalizes all life forms and allows them to flourish and grow. Different cultures call this life force by different names: Chi, subtle energy, Prana and vital energy to name just a few.

Similar to electricity, this energy is invisible to the human eye. However, experienced Chinese doctors can feel and trace these pathways of energy with their hands. About 5,000 years ago they mapped these meridian lines. With this understanding, acupuncture was developed to balance Chi.

Think of these acupuncture meridians as streams or rivers flowing with energy or information. Like a river that provides life-giving water to its surrounding areas, these channels distribute revitalizing energy and carry information to the surrounding area of the body.

Acupuncture Meridians Chart

Sometimes, however, the flow of energy is disrupted. An overload of energy in the form of strong emotions and trauma can block or disrupt the flow of Chi. It is like a surge of electricity going to your TV and causing a circuit to blow. Optimal health depends on energy consistently flowing; balanced, free, and uninterrupted throughout the entire body.

You can also think of it in terms of an information current or download. If the data size is too large, and your computer capacity can’t handle it, the download is very slow or gets stuck.

This is where Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) comes in. Practicing EFT will help clear the stuck energy from your acupuncture meridians. Allowing energy to once more flow freely to all parts of your body. Go to EFT Tapping to learn more about this amazing meridian tapping technique.

Acupuncture meridians can be found throughout the body. There are many acupuncture points along these meridians that serve as energy reservoirs where energy is collected over time. These meridian points can be stimulated with needles, physical pressure, or tapping to release or redistribute this energy.

There are 12 primary acupuncture meridians. These channels surface to the skin twelve separate times and appear to be segments. However, under the surface, these meridians interconnect with one another. Each one is named for the primary organ or system they distribute energy to. Two pathways, called the central and governing meridians, are considered meridians as well, even though they do not correspond to a particular major organ system.

Each Chinese meridian has a time period where its particular energy is strongest. They are also associated with specific emotions.

Listed below are the twelve primary energy meridians, their time periods and the main emotions linked with them:

1. LUNG MERIDIAN (3am – 5am); grief, intolerance
2. LARGE INTESTINE MERIDIAN (5am – 7am); guilt
3. STOMACH MERIDIAN (7am – 9am); disgust, greed
4. SPLEEN MERIDIAN (9am – 11am); worry, anxiety about the future
5. HEART MERIDIAN (11am – 1pm); joy, anger
6. SMALL INTESTINE MERIDIAN (1pm – 3pm); insecurity, sadness
7. BLADDER MERIDIAN (3pm – 5pm); fright, impatient, restless
8. KIDNEY MERIDIAN (5pm – 7pm); fear, indecision
9. PERICARDIUM/CIRCULATION-SEX (7pm – 9pm); hurt, extreme joy, jealousy, regret
10. TRIPLE WARMER/THYROID MERIDIAN (9pm – 11pm); hopelessness, depression, despair
11. GALL BLADDER MERIDIAN (11pm – 1am); rage, wrath
12. LIVER MERIDIAN (1am – 3am); anger, unhappiness

The tapping points for EFT are located at specific points along the Chinese meridians. These points are at the beginning or end of the pathways or where the pathways rise close to the surface. Here is the list of tapping points for the Short-Cut Version of EFT and their associated meridians ( see EFT Learning for point location on the body):

1. Karate Chop Point – Small Intestine Meridian
2. Top of Head – Governing Meridian
3. Beginning of Eyebrow Point – start point of the Bladder Meridian, Stomach Meridian
4. Side of Eye Point – end point of the Triple Warmer Meridian, beginning point of the the Gall Bladder Meridian, Small Intestine Meridian
5. Under the Eye Point – Stomach Meridian
6. Under Nose Point – end point of the Governing Meridian, Large Intestine Meridian
7. Chin Point – end point of the Central or Conception Meridian, Stomach Meridian
8. Collarbone Point – Kidney Meridian
9. Under Arm Point – ending point of the Spleen Meridian

To learn more on how acupuncture improves energy click on the site below: