Holiday Stress Management

THE HOLIDAYS are here. This is such a stressful time. Holiday stress management is always a challenge. Even when you try to plan ahead, keep it simple, and not add too many obligations, the stress is infectious. I went to the grocery store last night and picked up the feeling of stress, from the music, the crowds, the urgency in shoppers trying to find that special ingredient. In planning my holiday cooking I keep finding myself wanting to add one more dish to the menu and try one more new kind of cookie recipe. And I am not a big holiday person. Our culture has so much impact on us this way.
So we must be sure to build in stress management activities during these weeks. Here is my personal list:
Go to bed early instead of late
Use my SAD light for 30 minutes when I wake up
Don’t forget to walk after work when I feel tired
Be sure to take some time for myself to do something I love, like knitting or photography
Avoid drinking too much alcohol
Let Holidays be about people and relationships and not be about stuff
Listen to a lot of music that I like
Don’t spend hours in front of the computer or TV, find other ways to relax
Don’t worry about what I eat
Keep smiling!
Share joy!
Appreciate the people that I love, and try to appreciate the people that can trouble me
Remember that THE LIGHT IS COMING BACK soon
Be Thankful when you notice that the days are getting longer!
Consider having a massage or acupuncture for my wellness and stress management
You might find a lot more ideas for your list, but hopefully this one will give you some ideas to begin.
Happy Holidays
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