Affordable Acupuncture for Everyone on Wednesdays
If you’ve been turned off by the high prices of acupuncture, you can now have this effective natural treatment at a very affordable price. Community Acupuncture is a model in which a group of people receive treatment together. This is actually the most common way acupuncture is done in China, by the way. When the group is resting with needles, amazing healing energy shows up and everyone benefits. Nobody takes off clothes here; we just use ears, arms legs, and scalp points. Also it is quiet and peaceful. Nobody talks and people are just soaking it up. We have 6 chairs and two treatment tables so we can accommodate folks. This model has become very popular in larger cities where acupuncture can be really expensive. Affordable Acupuncture also a good way for patients to continue treatment when they have had some one-on-one treatments and want to keep it up for a lesser price. Clients choose their own fee for the series of visits, ranging from $25 to $40. Punch cards are available to make your visit even less stressful; just stop in and grab a chair. Clinic is Wednesday afternoons. Call the office to schedule your slot. The first visit will involve filling out a little paperwork and having a brief interview with Laura. We suggest that most people attend at least 4 sessions to get a good beginning. Preferably a series of 8 or more would be best for most conditions to get the best benefit. Consider buying a series for a friend as well. Affordable Acupuncture is great for everyone. Held at The Sycamore Rooms, 2414 Towncrest Dr. Iowa City, IA. Call for appointment at 319-341-0031.
We look forward to seeing you.