Losing Weight with Acupuncture
Losing weight with acupuncture is a great idea. Acupuncture can help you with stress, reduce cravings for sugary and starchy foods, It can reduce your stress so you don’t “stress eat” so much. It can suppress your hunger when you are eating just too much. The coaching that goes along with acupuncture can help you […]
Quitting Smoking with Acupuncture
Using acupuncture for quitting smoking is challenging for people. We have heard of many quick amazing “cures” but we have not seen it in our clinic. Here at Acupuncture of Iowa, we follow the concepts presented by the National Acupuncture Detox Association. They say that the idea behind using acupuncture to treat addictions is that we help […]
Acupuncture, Toxins, Toxicity, and Detoxification
For many years I avoided the words “toxicity, and toxins”. I told my friends to avoid using that word because it was too inaccurate. I thought it raised the specter of unclear health-foodie irrational thinking, and I never wanted to be associated with that stuff. Then I learned about the function of the liver in detoxifying […]
Affordable Acupuncture for Everyone on Wednesdays
If you’ve been turned off by the high prices of acupuncture, you can now have this effective natural treatment at a very affordable price. Community Acupuncture is a model in which a group of people receive treatment together. This is actually the most common way acupuncture is done in China, by the way. When the group is […]
CUPPING is here
Cupping at Acupuncture of Iowa is safe and effective. Laura Christensen is a Licensed Acupuncturist who practices cupping and all other asian medical therapies professionally and safely. Cupping is effective for many types of pain and muscle tension. This interesting and unusual therapy is common in homes throughout East Asia. It has become more well […]
July 4th Weekend and FOOD
For those of us managing autoimmune conditions, a big holiday weekend like this can be challenging. As I am currently on AIP, I am not eating grains, dairy, legumes, nuts, seeds, or nightshade veggies. That means no bun with my burger, no ice cream, no chips, no potato salad, no tabbouleh, no hummus….. So, I’m […]
Sycamore Rooms Available for Classes and Groups
We are now ready to rent beautiful Sycamore meeting rooms. These are two spacious newly remodeled professional the meeting rooms, one with kitchenette. Sycamore East is 24 x 30 with warm colors and carpet. Nice quiet space for a class or meditation group. Sycamore West is 30 x 30; a bright room with vinyl floor and […]
Community Acupuncture for Iowa City
Beginning in late September of 2016 we will have a Community Acupuncture Clinic at the Sycamore Rooms of Acupuncture of Iowa and Towncrest Natural Health Clinic. This clinic model will allow students, seniors, vets and others access to acupuncture, who would not otherwise be able to attend due to financial constraints. The clinic will be […]
Research shows acupuncture is as effective as Claritin for dust mite allergies
Research from University of Dresden shows acupuncture is as effective as Claritin and other otc allergy medications for the runny nose associated with dust mite allergies.
President Obama Supports Acupuncture
on 14 January 2010. 1-14-2010: Healthcare reform may include alternative medicine therapy language. In a recent town hall meeting in St. Louis, MO, President Obama noted that he supports acupuncture. A licensed acupuncturist noted that the National Institutes of Health and the Wold Health Organization have “discovered through their studies that alternative medicine is often […]