Chinese Medicine and a few thing it has to offer!!
In Chinese Medicine, health is an ongoing process of maintaining balance among all the organs and systems of the body. Treatments Acupuncture The Acupuncture points are on pathways of energy called meridians through which “Qi” or life energy flows. Acupuncture has been used in China for over 3000 years to correct the flow of Qi […]
Great quick read on how acupuncture helps with fatigue!
Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(CFS) Dr. Zhou, of Acupuncture and Alternative Medicine of Dallas, understands the chronic fatigue, pain and other symptoms you are experiencing are a physical illness, not a mental one. They are real symptoms, and they have causes. More importantly, she can help! Her goal is to activate your own inner energy […]
Acupuncture for weight loss!
Yuri Acurs/Getty Weight loss is a complicated issue. Not only is it physically difficult and emotionally fraught, it’s also paved with fads of questionable efficacy. And the trend du jour? Acupuncture. This complimentary technique has been gaining popularity recently, with devotees saying it’s helped them shed pounds quickly and easily. So how does acupuncture for […]
Did you know……
Acupuncture Found Effective For Tinnitus 28 March 2017 Researchers find acupuncture effective for the alleviation of tinnitus. This is significant given the intractability associated with this disorder. A research team in Sichuan, China, achieved significant positive patient outcomes by employing the use of electrical stimulation to acupuncture points. Compared with conventional manual acupuncture therapy, the […]
Acupuncture regenerates nerves!
Symptoms of nerve damage may include pain, tingling, burning and loss of sensation. Acupuncture has been the subject of several recent scientific studies on nerve regeneration, and has been shown to be effective in repairing damaged nerves. Nerve damage can result from a variety of causes, including injuries, infections, and exposure to toxins, according […]
What are Chinese Herbs?
What are Chinese Herbs you ask? Chinese herbalism is one of the major components of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), or Oriental medicine (OM). Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use herbal medicines and various mind and body practices, such as acupuncture and tai chi […]
IT’S SPRING!! Beat those winter blues!
Get to the Point of Relief: Acupuncture in Seasonal Affective Disorder Do you suffer from depression that only seems to occur during the cold and dreary winter months? If that is the case then you will find that you are often looking for the right remedy to the problem. No one likes to be […]
Your liver….7 Signs that you need Acupuncture this Spring!
Monday, March 20th, is the first day of spring. Yahoo! Except for that fact that many people don’t feel so hot this time of year. The flu is — knock on wood — mostly behind us. Allergies have not quite exploded yet. So, why do so many of us feel off in the early days […]
A wonderful study on how acupuncture helps allergies! A good read!
( Acupuncture already helps to relieve pain in some patients, and the latest study hints that it might relieve sneezing and itchy eyes as well. Most patients plagued with sniffles brought on by seasonal allergies turn to antihistamines for relief, but when they don’t get relief, some opt for alternative treatments like acupuncture, […]
Acupuncture for knee pain
Acupuncture helps knee pain: Researchers confirm that acupuncture is more effective than two drugs (ibuprofen and diclofenac) for long-term relief of knee osteoarthritis pain, inflammation, and motor impairment. In one investigation, acupuncture plus herbal medicine outperformed acupuncture plus ibuprofen for pain relief. In another independent investigation, acupuncture outperformed diclofenac for relief of pain, inflammation, and […]