Acupuncture Myths, Dispelled
Three common misunderstandings about acupuncture are explained.
Cleveland Clinic Serves up Chinese Herbs
The prestigious Cleveland Clinic has opened a Chinese Herb clinic in association with its integrative medicine services. The sources of Chinese herbs have been found to be very good, so the herbs are considered safe. Patients are supervised by a physician and herbs are prescribed according to traditional Chinese standards by a professional Chinese herbalist. American acupuncture schools regularly train clinicians to prescribe Chinese herbal formulas.
Acupuncture improves Appendectomy Recovery
Research in China shows that acupuncture improves recovery from appendix removal surgery. It helps intestinal function return to normal, helps with pain, and assists patients in getting back to normal faster.
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Women’s Health Class
Free 1 hour class on the usefulness of Chinese medicine in helping most Women’s Health conditions. April 9th at 7 pm
Spring Brings Wind
In traditional Chinese medicine, it is thought that wind brings with it the viruses and allergies that we all suffer. These often enter through two acupoints on the back of the neck, called Wind Gate. you can find these points by going from the center of your neck, at the top, just under the occiput, […]
Acupuncture Research News
New research from Rutgers University Medical School shows electroacupuncture reduces inflammation and sepsis in patients
Spring Classes at Acupuncture of Iowa
Free Health Classes every 2nd and 4th Tuesday evening from 7 to 8 pm at Acupuncture of Iowa
NY says “No” to Dry Needling
Review of the news that the Physical Therapy board of New York has decided that dry needling will not be allowed. This is a win for the Licensed Acupuncturists, who claim that dry needling is, by definition, acupuncture.
Research shows Acupuncture helps Depression
New research in China shows acupuncture affects specific cells in the brain that can be related to depression.